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Ambient, World & New Age Artists


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Between Interval (2007) - Radio Silence
Between Interval (2007) - Radio Silence


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A recent POD Set from the Ambient Caverns POD Series >>>

Johan Agebjorn - Mossebo

SET AC-1,086 - Featured: Johan Agebjorn (2008) - Mossebo:

With Johan Agebjorn, Ian Tescee, and Biomusique.

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Click to Expand or Contract Details Echoes Of Tuvalu (2006)

Echoes Of Tuvalu (various artists)

Echoes Of Tuvalu

Echoes Of Tuvalu      (New Vibes Collections)     (August 8, 2006)
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Songs from this album that are playing in our MP3 CoolStreams:
Click abbreviated title links (if avail) for more info on the Streams.
Song Title Hear in streams:
1. Early Morning - Gulan  
2. Amaebi - Bernard Chavonnet Cool Age   MRI
3. Madrecita - Thomas Bakas Cool Age
4. Conciliation - Australis Cool Age   MRI
5. Karlsplatz Square - Mild Cool Age
6. Forgotten Islands - Amilcar  
7. The Sound Of Hope - Australis New Age
8. Grace - Trevor Stewart MRI
9. The Flight Of Jimmy Angel - Jose Gonzalez "Pirulo" Cool Age
10. Someone Who Cared - Matt Lorenz MRI
11. Right Of Passage - Aorphia Cool Age   MRI
12. Sunrise - Gulan New Age
13. Mysty Mountain - Jon Sebastian  
14. Yvonne's Waltz - Gabriel Garcia MRI
Songs from this album have played on these Programs On-Demand:
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Secret Garden - Dawn of A New Century

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  A Few Albums playing in the CoolStreams - click the image for full details:
Robert Rich & Ian Boddy - Lithosphere Kaya Project - Elixir Moodfood - Ice Ryan Farish - From The Sky

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